
A collection of four seasons gift box - Spring filled with Lung Ching Tea, start of spring is a perfect timing to growth crops. It is the best timing to enjoy Green tea like Lung Ching.

Spring gift box filled with Lung Ching Tea, it is one of the best series of green tea as picking the young fresh buds are at their best quality. After brewed, it has a delicate color, which ranges from almost clear to gold, to shimmering transparent greens and having a heavy and mellow taste with sweet and aroma aftertaste. “Color green, fragrant, tasty and Good Shape" was found.

【Origin】Zhejiang Province, China

【Packing】75g x 1 box

【Storage】Stored in cool, dry condition away from direct sunlight

【How to Brew】The most appropriate water temperature should be in 85 degrees for brewing. If using the boiling water, the tea will be "burned" and will make the tea bitter in the first brew and tasteless in the second and the third brew. Best way to brew the tea is “from high pour to low”, this way made the tea leave open and which can keeps the temperature of the tea and the aroma. To fully experience the pleasures of green tea, it is important to open to its fragrance, color and aromatic taste.