
Monkey Picked Tieguanyin is a premium grade Tieguanyin, it is commonly known as Monkey Picked. The story behind Money Picked, the tea trees grow on cliffs. Harvesters need to hang off the cliff with a rope to pick the tea leaves. The harvester looks like a monkey climbing around the cliffs. Today Monkey picked simply means a premium grade Tieguanyin. Heavy roast enhances the sweet and floral notes.  

【Tea Varieties】OolongTea 

【Level of roast】Heavy 

【Tea Soup】Golden yellow  

【Taste Features】Smooth and sweet 

【Packing】150g、600g (150g x 4pcs) 

【Efficacy】Good for skin health and anti-aging like preventing wrinkles, burn fat, calming and refreshing 

【Origin】Fujian Province, China 

【Storage】Stored in cool, dry condition away from direct sunlight